power of Green

CRank: 6Score: 155755
5627d ago


The one game will turn it all around and put the platform ontop?

Maybe a game with star power with a few others like the Peter Jackson's Halo, Forza 3 and a well done Splinter Cell game, plus something big and new to take the place of Halo like Huxley(Huxley's going to top all FPS's in 2009).

LOL at the Cherry picked list although I do think some of those Nintendo games will sell Some hardware atleast if not sell piles of copies.

5627d ago 1 agree24 disagreeView comment

Happens after every Xmas.

Not enough traffic on your platform ;)

5627d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment
5627d ago

There is simply not enough of us to work on yours:)

As if that is some sort of privilege when you guys abuse/control the system with numbers three or four times greater lol.

5627d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

"agent_plang - 9 minutes ago

Ignore20.2 -
Absolutely the criticism was warrented. 100%!

Have you failed the realize though that the issue here is not criticism but drastically over-exaggerated doom and gloom idiocy?
Agree(0) | Disagree(0) | Report"

As if PS3 fanboys differentiate criticism and over-exaggeration when crying, they mix it up non the less lol.

5627d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Don't think a FPS that did alright before(1st one) will single handedly save a console assuming it sells more than a couple of million.

5627d ago 2 agree33 disagreeView comment
5627d ago

Nope, will it be around $200 with more dev support?

Will it Shine graphically?

Will it produce better multi platform games?

Will PS series stop coming to the 360?

Will it have superior system software?

Can Sony re-astablish Popular opinion?

Can Sony stop PS3 fanboys from turning people off?

Can Sony release a PC platform built to interact with their console?

Will Sony suppor...

5627d ago 2 agree25 disagreeView comment

Nope maby the hardcore but not the bulk of the casual fanbase assuming any.

5627d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
5627d ago
5627d ago

I get dissagrees?

PS3 is more powerful than the PC?

They wen't ahead and skipped PS3 because it was more capable than the 360?

Alan Wake is immersive and has a photo real color palette why would they wan't hardware limitaions of pastel colors? just to start out with, nevermind the video card, GPU, memory jibba jabba.

*Kleptic* lieing his ass off lol. That carmack crap had to do with MSFT's production fees for extra discs(and no HDD u...

5627d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment
5627d ago

Are you kidding lol.

Love the way PS3 fans try to paint a whole picture off of bits and pieces on info lol.

As if they actually believe these are the only games MSFT has to offer.

Folks be hitting rock bottom.

The 360 is getting so popular even the PS3 fans are more interested in the platform than 360 fans, that is Sony's major problem they must overcome.

Its clear this article is made to make fun of Balmer/MSFT and f...

5627d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Not in this case they have said fighting the lesser console is not worth it and will handi-capp the two stronger platforms versions.

"Is Alan Wake exclusive to Windows Vista? If so why? #

Petri Järvilehto had this to say on the official Alan Wake forums (18/05/06):

“I’ll confirm that Alan Wake is Vista and 360 exclusive. I know some people have reacted strongly to that, but for us this was one of the key decisions that will allow us to cr...

5628d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

GT shows the performance differences between the 360 and PS3, that is why fanatics try to make them look bad all the time(just one of a few).

This goes back to what I was saying in repsonse to PS3 fans saying the media is bashing PS3. I said the media simply no longer fears the backlash from PS3 fans because they sense the 360 pulling away. This allows them to take hits(telling the truth, not ignoring PS3 blunders etc) because the 360 fanbase will be the primary one, not the sm...

5628d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Every time PS3 is in trouble some supposed savior title is suppose to get the PS3 back on track and PS3 fans are using it for exactly that.

Head check much?

5628d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Must of been garbage before(looks average).

5628d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Don't bother there is no getting through to him. This stuff has been going on before LBP was even announced. lol

They seem out of control due to PS3's performance in many area's.

5628d ago 7 agree19 disagreeView comment